
This forum is for people who want to improve their mixing skills through practice and giving/receiving mix feedback. Once you've reached a certain level of competence and are producing decent mixes the question is how to improve from there?

The answer is ... practice. But practicing in a vacuum is hard - it's hard to motivate yourself, hard to judge your own mixes and hard to learn without anybody to talk to. This is where the power of a community and a forum comes to the rescue and why I set up this web site. To practice, to learn, to help and be helped.

My hope for this forum is that people really focus on giving comprehensive and specific feedback. One thing I have learnt is that one of the most powerful tools in mixing is to get somebody else to listen and give their thoughts on the mix. Sometimes they may know useful tips and tricks which can be applied to the mix but just as often it may simply be having another pair of ears noticing things which have been missed.

At the other end of the telescope, listening to a mix and really trying to hear what is good, what can be improved and thinking about ways to achieve those improvements is a fantastic way to improve your own mixing skills. Giving great feebdack really is a situation where everybody benefits.

Is this right for you? If you are of a decent standard of mixing and are willing to put in the time to practicing your skills and willing to put in the time to listen to other peoples' mixes and give constructive feedback then .... yes, this is for you. If this sounds like you then register (button top right) and join the community.

How much will this cost? Nothing. This site is free to use and there is no intention to "monetize" it! You do not have to pay to be part of the community.

How it works

The core of this site works very simply. A member decides on a set of multi-tracks to mix, we mix them and put that mix up for feedback. Based on that feedback we revise those mixes as necessary until we're happy with them.

At that point we will decide which mix is the best through a simple vote and the winner gets ..... the satisfaction of knowing they did a great job. Everybody else will learn a few tips and techniques about how to improve their own mixes. There is no other prize for winning, this is just about learning.

As far as possible (limited by the availability of multi-tracks) we will mix all genres of music. That's both to keep it interesting but also to improve the learning experience. You almost certainly will be (at some point) mixing music that you wouldn't personally listen to or necessarily enjoy but that is part of the job of mixing. Everybody will get to choose a mix so if there's a particular genre that you are keen to mix then, as long as the multi-tracks are available, you will get a chance. And you'll also get a chance to see what everybody else does with their mix

As well as the core mult-tracks that we will all be mixing, there is also an area of the forum for putting up original mixes based on your own music, or mixes based on multi-tracks that haven't been shared. There will also be an area to discuss commercial mixes and pick apart what's good about them and how the particular sound has been achieved

And lastly, there's a place to talk about gear whether that be hardware, software, plugins or virtual instruments. This is a site about skills, not gear, but sometimes you do need to talk about the tools.